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Hi friend!

As always, your graphics are very impressive! It's nice to see your fast learning in game dev. 

Can you enable the fullscreen method on configurations? XD. I needed to zoom out to 67% to play this game. But it's awesome!

Congrats! =) 

Thanks for letting me know. I'm glad you like it. I keep starting new games and only get to make one level because the jams are over so quickly and no more time. 

I changed the default size and added the fullscreen button. What is the best size for your display?

Hi! Thanks for changing the size and add a fullscreen option =). 

My display is a standard 4x3 notebook resolution (1920 x 1080). With the browser size, I think an 800 x 600 resolution works well. 

But actually, with your resizing, the game resolution is working well for my setup. 

Here, a screenshot from my screen =).