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I love this script and plan on using it for my project for the Spooktober VN Jam this month!Thank you! ^^

I wanted to ask, is it possible to allow the tags to work with image text? At the moment, image text is only affected by ATL (dripping text, etc), but not other tags (like exploding text). Do you have any tips on how I can edit the script so that image text can also be included?

Thank you again for your Ren'Py script, it looks amazing!


You can find most of the stuff for adding in the text in the ATL tag's implementation. It's near the bottom of the atl_tag function in the if 'kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG' portion. Should be easy enough to find. Then take that bit and copy it into the text tag functions you'd like it to work with, ;ike 'bounce_tag' and 'scare_tag'. Just be sure you make it use the appropriate wrapper. Such as the BounceText for the bounce_tag and such. Probably should've done it myself a while ago but got lazy.

Though that said, I should advise that the ChaosText wrapper should not be fed an image for it's child. That effect relies on manipulating text style stuff. So feeding it in an Image or the like will likely break it. So maybe just be sure to skip that one.

I tried looking under the 'kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG' lines in the various rpy files, but I'm not really sure where to go from there (I'm not too knowledgeable in programming). Could you please explain further?

(Yes, I agree with the ChaosText). I'm really trying to get the scared, glitchy, and exploding text to work for image text.

I will try to remember to maybe add this functionality in later. But right now, work is swamping me with things I gotta get done. Not sure I'll be able to get to this for a while. Sorry I can't be of more help at present.

No problem! Thank you very much.


Went ahead and made an update with the changes. Decided not to add support for it to every tag. Couldn't think of a good way to implement it on Swap, Chaos, or Gradient tags. But should be fine on the rest of 'em. Hope you find 'em useful and lemme know if you have any issues! 

Oh my gosh, thank you so, so much for doing this! I've been spending this evening playing around with the update, and it works great. >U<


Glad it can help you out and hope your Spooktober VN goes great!!

Thank you again for the script and update. My Spooktober visual novel, Ghost Switch has now been released.