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Thank you very much for you awesome review! I'm very happy you remember Rewind Madness too :)
About your likes: Yes, definitely inspired by the original GTA games.
Kids, Dayjob and GameDev Job with a paid project (Shikon-X on Steam)
Music: There's Always time for METAL! 😈

The Improvements:
LOL. I discovered too late you can pass through the borders :D. Made the same mistake in the last jam (BGJ2021.1, Brotherhood of the Dragon). Few week spots where you can fall of the level. That's what happens when you leave the borders to the end of the jam :)
And the traffic controls, yes, absolutely agreed. They're Unity basic cubes which I added for testing the script, and once it worked, completely forgot to update them. They even had the default shader material!

I've already updated them and added a few improvements, which will be released after the jam ends.

Thanks again for taking the time to test it.


Kids, a day job, and game dev + a paid project, you don't seem to sleep, bro xD. And I couldn't forget Rewind Madness, which was one of my favorite games at Brackeys Jam last year. PS: You should post your music on SoundCloud, YouTube, or both!! It's fantastic!!