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Me and a bunch of other players are having the same issue still, I'm hoping that there is a solution that someone found on the unreal engine forums on how to fix the fatal error problem on unreal engine games. Installing the dlls to system32 does nothing as the crash log will still say error missing dlls.

Can You send to me all report files? I will try to find solution.
(1 edit)

All of the report files have this. Many people have this problem on their unreal engine across the unreal engine forum. 

LogWindows: Failed to load 'aqProf.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'aqProf.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VSPerf140.dll' (GetLastError=193)
LogWindows: File 'VSPerf140.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi32e.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi32e.dll' does not exist