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The safe does not work. You can't interact with it.

It actually does work, you need to interact by aiming at the numbers, once you entered 4 numbers you'll get a message saying "WRONG CODE" or it will open. I do admit that the player feedback could be better but due to lack of time this was not possible. Maybe this is something we could work on if we opload an update. Thanks for playing the game :)

Sorry The safe does nothing for me. It simply aint working

The Safe kinda works, just played it, but I'm not sure  if you make a mistake it will resets. because at some point I made a mistake and the code didn't work anymore. so if you fill in the code good in one try it should open. this definitely will be fixed after the game jam is over :) 

I have tried everything. Also no feedback at all when interacting, So no way of knowing.

(1 edit)

Yep, your right it is bad, But thanks for noticing it. now we can fix it

You're right, the user feedback only got added in the next build but at that time we couldn't submit it anymore. Try inputting the right code from the get go, without inputting a single wrong digit, and you should be good. Thanks for playing! :)