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Holy crap, I don't even know what to say. You guys blew this thing out of the water The music is definitely the highlight of this entry... I've rated hundreds of games through numerous jams, and I've never seen a single DYNAMIC soundtrack, let alone one of such high quality. The visuals are pretty solid, the bloom is a nice touch on the enemies and lasers, however I'd make the cylinder enemies glow too because it's kinda misleading that they don't. The cars don't have collision. The walking animation is a little wonky. The fact that you took the time to add a functioning survival mode is just ridiculous. Overall this entry isn't super polished, but the best things about it are on a whole new level. This game has some incredible traits that I hope other entries can learn from. You guys did an amazing job.

- os_reboot

I am absolutely blown away by the soundtrack in this game. Not only is the default stage soundtrack incredible, but it even intensifies when you engage enemies. The story building, artwork, and 3D modeling are all great and besides a few jittery camera bugs and some collision issues (most notably the cars) I'd say this game is quite polished and plays well. If all that isn't enough, you guys even added a survival mode! I would really like to see this idea expanded upon since you guys clearly have some real potential here.

- Basset