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Hey man, you made an awesome game. Did you take inspiration from games like civ5/6? It's fun :D Just a few ideas: (I know it takes a long time, but if you ever need ideas here's some o3o)

. Horses around the map that can be tamed with the right technology

. Horseman and cavalry

. Catapults and battering rams that excel at combat against buildings

. Maybe boats?

. Training grounds to increase the strength/speed of military units

. Walls and defensive buildings

. Maybe a 'patrol' option for units so that they can patrol areas for enemies?

Great game man. Really enjoying playing it :D

Thanks man! We've taken inspiration from many games. Not directly from Civ, but I've played those games a lot so it might be an unconscious thing. ;)

Most of the stuff you suggest is on the road map. Stay tuned!

I knew civ was in there somewhere ;))

Actually, maybe the tech tree button and the research bar at the top left is inspired from Civ. Or a coincidence. Who knows! ;)