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thank u for ur review!! Im glad to hear my narration and writing skills are ok, as i was a but anxious about it :p

My main issue was a lack of time and I bit off more than I could chew, which led to cutting off bits of the story. I do intend to finish it and make it more cohesive, and wrap up all the story threads!

As for why the protag wasnt shocked about magic...


Magic is considered an ancient art that no one does anymore, since "science" (basically nonmagic, or rationality) and magic are like matter and antimatter. They tend to cancel each other out. The people who preferred magic retreated to the magical realms, leaving everyone else behind.

Or something like that!


Ohhhh, yeah yeah I feel if you had more time and could had included more allussions to that, it would had felt better! But it was still a good ride! : ) Well done!