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(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I didn't had the time to do a proper "player teaching" design : ( The best I could do with the time I had was the quick instructions and the name of the game as hints of what to do. So I used this as an excuse for difficulty haha. I had little time to work on it, same with the music, rushed, glad the music at least fulfilled it's purpose.

About falling off, the character doesn't "slide off", I discovered that this is an illusion, a byproduct that occurs when you make a game with solid color and no shadows, really interesting. To test this, when you start the game, never touch the mouse and only press W, 95% of the time, if gravity doesn't sway you off too much when you land, you go straight.

But overall, it was really fun making it, my first game jam and probably will not be the last : ) Loved it. Thanks for hosting!

And thanks for the feedback!


I mean that while walking I kept falling off, I landed fine! I just kept falling off while walking on the planks, partially b/c they're pretty thin and partially b/c when doing things a few times (due to falling off) I end up rushing. 

I'm glad you had a great jam!

Oh I see, thanks for the feedback. With the feedback I've got until now, the narrow walkway seems like part of a bigger problem in the design in which I simply hadn't the time to elaborate or fix. I'll certainly be mindful of that for a next project or if a pursue this one.