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Hey MrYeti09 and anybody else reading this !

Just played the last version (0.99) and everything went fine. Game is cool, mechanics works well. Nothing strange really.

Until I closed the game to take a coffee. When I came back, I felt like gazing upon this awesome stuff. But strangely... My game is now blocked on full resolution.  Now it is so big I can't even acces the Pause menu nor the inventory..

Any solutions for that ? I am totally stuck here and can't acces the Options Menu anymore to change that.

Thanks a lot and have a good day !

The only solution for now is going on %appdata%/SCPFoundation and deleting the file "Config.ini", this won't delete any of your saves don't worry, as soon as the new update comes out this will be fixed thanks :)

Naaah, thanks to you ! Keep up the good work ! ^^