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Hey, you did a decent job - but I think there's some things you could work on.

One is that I believe you should try to make the grappling hook more dynamic. Another is probably make the reticle a little bigger, it's a bit too small. Make it so that you won't get one hit killed from being touched by the enemies, also make it so that it's possible to see your health & ammo. It looks nice, although I believe you took it from assets? The music was good too, was that from an asset too? If so I think that you should try to challenge yourself and make your own. Overall you did a decent job, I hoped you learned more!


thanks! Will make the rope thicker. About the 1 hp thing, enemies were supposed to do 5 ho damage but that damage is done every frame so u die one hit. Didn't get time to fix it :/

Ammo display is on bottom left corner but the ui is very bad so its really difficult to notice. Will improve the ui and try to make my own assets. Started 4 days late so had to use pre made assets :/


That's okay, next jam I'm sure you'll be able to do more!