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Seems interesting, though I think it'd be nice if you credited the folks whose art you used and/or simply put a disclaimer on the page that these aren't your assets/are free assets/aren't the final assets?

I'd be curious about the artistic future of the project, considering it's marked "in development".
:) Thanks!

Thank you for taking the time to comment and for this constructive criticism. The game already contained credits but now I added them on the page !

Thanks a ton for reading my comment and making a chance-- as an artist who works on games, I really appreciate that! 

For the future of this project, I hope to expend on the same universe where the player meet, fight or partner with incarnations of societal concepts (like Justice, Order, etc...). I also hope to give it a more political tone, so that different factions have different socio-economic models (capitalism, individualisme, socialism, etc...) embedded both in the gameplay and the background.

Sounds cool! Good luck!