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This was a solid card game. Really made me think about my attacks, and once I got the hang of it, it made a lot more sense. I'm not sure if there was any audio and it just wasn't playing for me, but some audio would've been nice. Even if it was just some music and simple sound effects when playing cards. I think a tutorial would've gone a long way for this game as well (which I saw was a cut feature and I understand the time limitations of a jam), but the huge wall of text on startup was a bit overwhelming. Also sort of wish there was a "end turn" button since hitting enter feels a bit odd to me for some reason, instead of just clicking a button on screen since I'm already using the mouse to play cards. Overall you did a good job, just missing a few key elements to really make this feel great to play.


Thanks for the comment. I 100% agree with all of your criticisms :)

I plan to make a post jam version of this game with some of the cut features. It will probably also have a on-screen end turn button like you suggested.