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Cute game, a bit slow and repetitive though. You could do well with more variety and more speed in my opinion. Especially since you submitted 6 days 23h before the deadline, so you had time to improve.

I really liked the simple graphics and graphic effects

Thank you so much for playing, I’m glad you liked the simple graphics!

I completely agree the game starts way too slow, the reason for this unfortunate decision is because once you’ve got a swarm going, it is so easy to just destroy everything and I didn’t want it to be too easy. But perhaps I should have just left it easy!

Could you elaborate on what kind of variety you’d like to see? Do you mean more types of buildings and food?

(1 edit)

That could certainly help. I was also thinking maybe more difficult enemies, possibly even poison spread by the farmers or by plane even. Something to increase the flow of the game and keep the player engaged even after reaching swarm-level

My personal opinion of course, my thoughts are not law nor they should be XD

Omg pesticides of course! What a brilliant idea! Maybe you have to test the crops first with one locust to see if he dies (or doesn’t reproduce)!

Although I wonder how that could be implemented without it being tedious.

I agree there need to be more enemies and hazards though, can you think of anything else?