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Awesome work - thanks for building this versatile minifying tool 👏
This may save my bacon while Dan's Picotool is lagging a bit behind atm.

(I may try to tweak it further for my needs - if I do, I'll share with you in case you wish to incorporate any of my mods 🤓)


Thanks. It's been invaluable to me in a couple of larger projects. Feel free to update as much as you like. It's pretty hacky and geared towards my own pico-8 coding style.

One thing I might look at doing in the future is being able to drag/ paste a whole .p8 file so you don't need to go through the hassle of copying all code to a single tab. Probably won't do this until I need to use it again though.

Drag & Drop sounds like a great "quality of life" feature!
(maybe a "save minified file" feature to match also - save needing to copy+paste?)

