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Downloaded it on android, but am unable to install it. When I try, it gets most of the way through the installation process, then just stops and says "app not installed". It gives me no further details than this. I don't think there is anything unusual about my device, so it's presumably something that you'll need to fix in a later version. Regardless, any tips for getting it to work for me now? Or failing that, ways of forcing androids to actually give me any goddamn information on this sort of thing?

Some players reported that not switching focus from the installing app helped them with similar problems. If this won't work for you, just use the desktop version.

After restarting my phone, it eventually worked... BUT, I still can't play it; it crashes as soon as the intro cutscene ends. Consistently; have tried it 3 times. It always breaks in the same spot, right in front of the destroyed castle which I'm assuming is where I'm supposed to be getting control of my character.

Well, that's something new. Guess the desktop version is the way to go.