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Yay! I'm so excited to continue Dimitri's story! :3 Lowkey hoping there'll be some chance to meet the douchebag older brother ex-boyfriend and give him a piece of my mind -.^ 


Alex will return! It wouldn't really be a younger brother story if the older brother didn't show up sometime :P

(1 edit)

Truer words were never spoken! I love this game so much T_T It literally has all my favourite elements - plucky MC, believable and slow burning romances, amazing dialogue, mini-games, CG's, gorgeous romantic interests, character customisation, diverse and distinct personalities, freedom of choice to be as sarcastic and snarky as you want without being booted to the bad ending, beautiful art... You might just be my favourite game developer ever and I am so so excited to continue this story *_* 


Aww thanks for all of the compliments! I'm hard at work finishing Dimitri's route :D

Why don't you join the Discord and fangirl with the others? I sometimes post spoilers there ;)

All well deserved, I promise you! ^_^ Alright, just got on :D Commence fangirling!