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  • Highway Map Added (It's new, the water shader is most likely temporary)
  • Car Death / Collision Implemented (Currently no animation for death, current placeholder is just destroying all cars and resetting to next round)
  • Objective Mode Added (Round Robin style capture/defend game mode)
  • Options Menu Implemented (Graphics, Controls, and Control Remapping)
  • Tutorial Added (It's a work in progress, but should teach the game.)
  • Splash Screen Added (This is kinda a self-indulgence of getting to see my logo in the game, but also a placeholder, will be a game-themed animation later.)
Working on Next
  • I have the animations done, I've had them done for awhile. I just need to import and implement them. Working with my temp animations have just been really helpful. The new ones will cause some refactoring which is time consuming.
  • Pause Menu - the pause menu needs some drastic polishing and styling.
I'll most likely make the next update be focused on getting the animations implemented. Then I'll start working on character selection / map selection before moving onto other things like game modes and maps.

Feedback Wanted

Speaking of working on maps, I need feedback. The Street map isn't very appealing and is super straight forward. I think of it as the vanilla map. However, I'm a huge fan of the Strip Mall map and think when you compare the two, Street looks like a far inferior design.

What do you guys think? Should I just remove it and replace it with a cooler theme? Suggestions on improving it? Keep it as is?