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Great work! I think it was a really unique take on the theme! I found the controls a little difficult, especially at first as I thought it would face my cursor rather than rotate relative to the movement, but once I figured out what was going it wasn't an issue. While I didn't make it to be a member of the druid circle, I enjoyed playing it. Great work!


The first implementation of controls was exactly as you proposed! But I did't like the result. It's just that rotation speed was not constant with the mouse movement. When you move your cursor to druid - you would spin like crazy=) In order to turn without any sudden rotation you needed to make a whole cemicircle above the druid, and with constantly increasing druid circle radius, it was harder to do.

So I decide to make it like this: you move your mouse left - you turn left, you move your mouse right - you turn right. This makes controlls much more predictable once you realized how they works =)