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I like simulation games like these a lot. I think it fit the theme really well and is a clever way to include the wild cards too. I'd recommend adding some kind of visual to display the amount of healthy/infected people because it can be hard to envision big numbers just by themselves. 

I found myself losing a lot due to mistrust, so my strategy changed to always invest as much as I can into advertising, and then the game got a lot more fun because I got more funds. The top headline/new variants were nice features to contrast all the numbers. Good job!


Thanks for playing the game! I was happy when I thought of this idea because it did seem like a good way to get some wild cards involved without needing to really stray far from the original idea. And I think you're right about the visual elements or lack there of, some progress bars to better demonstrate the numbers I think would have made it easier to wrap one's head around dealing with eight billion people hahaha.  Also I have a similar strategy with it of just pumping in as much money into advertising as I can to maintain trust and make money (which is partly why I capped how much trust you can get per week). Anyways thanks again for giving it a try!