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I have encountered a strange bug - when I try to go see Switch a bit further into the game, an error occurs and I get the choice to rollback, reload etc... any advice?

Hello Junesong

I'm sorry to hear you have encountered a problem. Please can you send a screen shot to and I will look into it.

Many thanks for playing

Done :) I really love the demo so far, other than that particular error it was absolutely fantastic and Switch is perfectly precious. Cannot wait for the full game!

Many thanks for sending me the error - I tried to email you by reply, but it was just bouncing back for some reason. 

 Looking at the error, the game is trying to upload the next conversation for Switch but, because this is the demo, the next one is unavailable.

I've fixed it now and am rebuilding the demo - it will be about 10 hours before the fixed copy is available to play, but I thought I had better let you know in case you were looking forward to getting another chat with Switch once the error was fixed - sorry. >_<

Thanks for playing ^_^

How odd! I will have to check my e-mail settings for strange behaviours! 

Ah, no worries, I just thought I should let you know about it, and it's always good to know the reason why bugs and errors occur :) I will await my next chat with the endearing little hooligan when it is available, and thank you for making such a wonderful game! :D