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i've got a problem with downloading it in the browser. Download stops in about 1/4 of the process. I've tried downloading it in google chrome and microsoft edge but it everytime stops and says "failure-network error". What do i have to do to download and play this game?


I would probably suggest checking the usual suspects (space, firewall, admin,etc) and/or trying to download it through the itch app, or while running perhaps incognito or what not, it's certainly an interesting issue you have.
Try also different versions, trying maybe Gamejolt as well, (it should be up to the public version (0.0.9e) (might be written differently based on site criteria))
Maybe also try a different browser, there's a ton of them out there.

You could also try emulators for mobile (which have a crapton of small browsers) to try and download the file somewhere where you can then locate and unpack it like normal, but that'd be something I'd say to do if nothing else at all works.