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The game would have been better if you had left the 'support the game' out of the screen. Still, I don't see the theme come back in this game. 

I actually totally skipped over the "No payment" option while rushing to get the sub on time. Fret not though, it's fixed now.

About not really seeing the theme... well can't argue with you on that :)

(1 edit)

By all means. What perspective on Rotation is here? Platform going up. :D Now I can actually see the world before falling, the lunge works, but that 'rotation' would be the only part in it...I understand the subtlety you might have wanted to put in the requirement of rotating the sprite so it makes it to the next platform, but I still find that a very ....minimum :D (Hey, not saying my game is any better though. Your controls and camera are more solid by far).


Exactly, the sprite rotating is the only aspect keeping it on-theme. I could've easily added the lunge mechanic without the rotation. But its a nice detail and you can actually get different "lunge outcomes" based on  how the bunny hits the floor or a potential obstacle. That gave it a tiny bit of emergent gameplay that even got ME surprised. I'm a big fan on emergent gameplay, stuff like BOTW and/or Spelunky. I believe its one of the biggest aspects that distinguish games from other media: giving a player a sort of sandbox with a lot of potential for interactivity between the parts; and letting them get surprised (and sometimes surprise the devs) seems awesome to me.