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Could you explain how you have the imputs set up. I would like to add wasd controlls and controller. I also noticed that when you go diagnal you move faster so im trying to fix that.

  • Keybinds are defined in Scripts-->UI-->init_input
  • Local input variables are set up in Scripts-->UI-->init_keys
  • Local input variables are updated in Scripts-->UI-->get_keys

So to change the default keys, you'd update init_input. To add alternate input like a controller, update get_keys.

E.g. instead of:

k_u = keyboard_check(global.input_key[input_U])

you might want something like:

k_u = keyboard_check(global.input_key[input_U]) || gamepad_button_check(global.active_gamepad,global.input_pad[input_U])

(and so on for all other inputs)

Player movement is handled in Objects-->obj_player-->Step event. I think it's easiest if you add 4 new cases for up+left, up+right, down+left, down+right (which moves diagonally instead of just along x or y) and then use "else if" between all cases instead of just "if" so only one case can happen at once. (If you want to add diagonal sprites this approach will help too)


Thank you.


I try to make the gamepad work, but i got some problems with it.
I hope you can help me out what i doing wrong.

What i did is the same like the keyboard check but then with the gamepad_button check.


k_u = keyboard_check(global.input_key[input_U]) 
k_d = keyboard_check(global.input_key[input_D])

k_u gamepad_button_check(global.active_gamepad,global.input_pad[input_U])



Have i to change another script for make it work or doesn't work this like i did?


Do you run the k_u = gamepad code after the keyboard code, always? Because then you'll overwrite the keyboard values with the gamepad values (a variable can only have one value at a time)

If you want to support using both a keyboard and a gamepad at once, try OR'ing them together:

k_u = keyboard_check(global.input_key[input_U]) || gamepad_button_check(global.active_gamepad,global.input_pad[input_U])
(1 edit)

Okay i see. If i start the debugger i see that the global.input_key got a array (9560E80), but the global.active_game,global.input_pad a unable to evaluate.

This is the error i got: 


action number 1

of Create Event

for object parent_menu:

trying to index a variable which is not an array

 at gml_Script_get_keys (line 17) -    k_u = keyboard_check(global.input_key[input_U]) ||gamepad_button_check(global.active_gamepad,global.input_pad[input_U])


gml_Script_get_keys (line 17)

gml_Object_parent_menu_Create_0 (line 4) - get_keys()//Get once so that held keys won't instantly trigger press-but-not-held

gml_Object_obj_gguimenu_Create_0 (line 2)

gml_Object_obj_titlescreen_Create_0 (line 2)

What is the best way to make the gamepad works? Thankyou for your answer.

My guess is that global.input_pad is not initialized to a value before you try reading it - did you add it to init_input? You'll need to define a gamepad input for every action (U/D/L/R/A/B/C/ST/SL).

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

sorry to bother you again. Where i have to put the global.active_gamepad to make it working? I added the global.input_pad at init_input but still get a error because the active_gamepad i think.

Add it in the same script (init to a null value), also set it whenever you get a "gamepad" Async:System event (which is triggered whenever a gamepad is connected or disconnected). It's probably easiest to handle these events by putting a persistent "gamepad connection controller"object in the first room, which is a child of parent_active (so it can't be deactivated) - then it sticks around throughout the entire game without you having to put one in every room manually.