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ahh, thanks much for the shout-out! I'm just getting my teeth into World is a Fuck, there's a lot of great material. I would love to read a dev log talking about your replacements for the old six attributes!


I hit the end of the Paths to Power and went "I should do a section on antagonists — no, hang on, I should point people to where it's been done well already!" 💜

I'm not sure there's truly enough thought in the stat replacements to say much, but I'll have to see what I can do!


"Haha this will only be a couple of sentences!" I said, and wrote a whole devlog.


Fantastic, just what I was hoping for! Thanks for taking the time.

I guess I'll have to look around the rest of your ludography to see what you do with these concepts outside the constraints of OSR compatibility 😸


De nada! Honestly, not as much as I ought to have — both my thinking on it and my attempts to coherently do something else are a WIP 😅