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(1 edit)

Cute, short game. You should be proud to have built a game in 48 hours :)

I didn't understand what the symbols meant that pop up on the top as you lose more and more karma. I did notice you get slower... maybe that's what they were referring to? I ran straight through to the end and didn't use any karma (didn't attack anyone) and there is no ending unless you fight and lose your karma... kind of an odd way to approach a game lol the music was fun but it would be hard to listen to it for a prolonged period of time. Even when you lose all your health you don't seem to die. I am confused as to what to actually do... other than kill everyone to lose enough karma to go through the gate and then choose bless... Just my opinion but attacking with shift was really cumbersome. I would have preferred a plethora of other buttons instead. It also seemed too far from the space bar to be able to use Ki and bless. I don't think I ever even did... it spread my fingers out too far. Maybe put the two buttons next to each other. Like f and g or something like that. :)

I like your main character!!! Great pixel art and subtle animation 👍


Thanks for checking it out! I decided to attempt my own art for this one and it took wayyyy longer than it should have. Everything else had to be rushed after that. I don't consider myself an artist ha!

I totally get that! I am not an artist either - my husband handles that side of things 🤣