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thank you!!! i've never played king's field 1 but i had king's field 2's aesthetics in mind a lot while making this, and it was one of the main inspirations for making this ridiculous thing. really glad you enjoyed it!!!

also, re: secret places/endings...

***spoilers ahead***
there's a couple places that aren't lit by any lights, but you should be able to spot them after you've done enough push-ups, since gaining muscle slightly improves your vision (caps at 200 muscle)... and the secret ending is defeating the red muscle spirit and becoming it yourself... thus being trapped in the muscle world... forever (there's no credits screen)

Ahh I'm glad to hear my thoughts of King's Field were mostly on the dot!!

I didn't realize increasing muscle power increases vision range, that's really clever! I'll be sure to scour the game a bit more with that in mind :)