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This is very impressive, given the time constraints! I’ve ready your devlog, and as a fellow Love2d first timer as well, I totally agree with your feeling: it absolutely gets out of the way, allowing you to build whatever you want on top of it.

Is this game open source anywhere? I’d love to see how you managed to handle your animations, especially the “trail” on the last boss’ moves, it was very very well done!

Also, great job on the screen shake and the little details like the red squares moving inside the HP bar.

Definitely one of the best games I’ve tried in this jam!


Thanks a ton for playing! I've been loosely planning a technical devlog post-jam to go over a lot of the lower level details, so I'll send you a link when that's up!

I wasn't planning on open sourcing the game's code, but I might open source my engine code if I get the time to clean some stuff up. Regardless, I'll definitely include that "trail" VFX in my technical devlog, it's a lot simpler than it looks! (In a nutshell I'm basically just spawning some pooled 'gameobjects' [which are just tables with x, y, color, and texture/sprite] between the start/end position of the boss, and changing the alphas of the sprites over time, but I'll go over that in more detail in the final devlog).

Glad you liked the screenshake! (as an aside, the red squares moving in the HP bar was actually a happy accident. My drawing code is clamped to the nearest pixel and my UI layer is included in screenshake, so rounding errors end up causing the red squares to move around haha!)

Thanks again for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!