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This is exactly my experience, I absolutely love the fact that I can forget about the framework and build my own engine above it.

I’ve been looking for other frameworks that would do the same but support web better. Right now, I’m looking at Haxe with Heaps, it’s very promising, but I’m afraid the docs are a bit light, so I have to try it out! I’ve also played with raylib, but the Lua bindings don’t allow exporting to web… The raw C raylib can be compiled to web with emscripten though!

Ooh I'll take a look at Haxe, I'm always on the prowl for frameworks with good export capabilities. Finding frameworks with good documentation is always tough. As a former Unity dev, I feel like I took for granted how ubiquitous Unity-related help is online. Finding solutions for these smaller frameworks always takes a ton of digging.

I've never tried raylib although I've heard some good things! It's sad that you can't export its lua bindings to the web, but I'm glad to hear emscripten can port it to the web. I've tried SDL2 with lua scripting in the past, and it's nice but it feels like frameworks always have a few extra hoops to jump through when exporting for different platforms.

I feel like I've been on this never-ending hunt for the perfect game framework that simultaneously gives me a ton of freedom, but also has all the platform export capabilities of a full-service engine, but it might not exist yet!


yeah I’m at this point where I feel like I’ll never be happy with a framework unless I make it myself, but that’s a very deep rabbit hole 😬