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You still found time to work amongst a new video game obsession which is so impressive to me XD I'm so bad at multitasking LMAO I remember (and miss! T-T) playing Dragon Age for hours on end, no one could bother me :') Don't feel guilty for having fun with a game you've discovered, your daily life should be filled with different activities ! ^u^

The encyclopedia was my favorite thing to read in Winged Ones, it'll be fun to see what new terms and concepts I'll learn :> 

Question for the boys: do they have any weird or specific turn offs in potential love interests? For example, I can't date picky eaters LOL -u-"

I wish you luck with your list of goals this week! <3 


Hi, ro-ses! I did my best 😂 believe me, it's also hard for me to multitask! I barely managed OTL thank you for reassuring me though <3 I really appreciate it >\\\<

I'm also glad to hear you like the mini encyclopedia! This time, in addition to Indonesian Culture, there will be some fun facts about which medieval period I used as reference for the Spring Village. I don't think it will be very accurate so I hope you'll be forgiving x'D of course, I welcome any revision/opinion in this matter!

Your question is noted! And coincidentally one of the bachelors also doesn't like picky eaters ;) can you guess who it is?

Historical accuracy is fun but of course making up stuff/revising facts to better fit the narrative is just as fun! 

I want to say that it’s probably Guntur bc I understand the annoyance of someone nitpicking food that you’ve cooked for them -u-“ but I’m gonna overthink it here and make a case for both Khalil and Arya LOL like with Khalil it’s annoying to be adventurous and try different food but your companion won’t try it with you :( orrr Arya seems like a simple guy who will eat any food when offered but for a companion to refuse that can be a bother? Cant wait to find out XD