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I stumbled upon this and have found it to be really engrossing and interesting! I'm not all that far yet (I'm just about to confront the organization, once I get Lily's affection up enough) but I like that there are a lot of different personalities, some of the scenes are quite endearing (introducing Kana to the carnival), and pretty early on it's "this is EXTREMELY complex and figuring it out is going to be difficult because there's so much going on". Kinda hope I'll get a chance to knock Morgana down a few pegs eventually... 

I think my favorite characters (of those I've met so far) are Pixie once controlled, and Kana. Whole lot of others that are liked too, Annie and Lily are both fun!

Hey, thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :)

Weekly updates start up again tomorrow so I hope you continue to have fun with all the stuff I have planned!