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There is likely something conflicting with this spawner. Do you have another Spawner enabled? If so you should disable any other Spawner.

If the event requires you to erase the event manually on unspawn then something is causing the unspawnEvent function to not run properly which would result in improper spawner data which could cause problems such as inability to recycle events properly. The  Spawners Data Objects would not be updated when events are unspawned if that function isn't running properly. It's probably best to find the cause behind the issue rather than finding a workaround.

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I think I disabled any other spawners, but I'm not 100% sure... For sure I disabled VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, because it caused problems. I'll check plugin list again today. Thank you. 

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I have one more question... how to save event that was morphen into something else? When I reenter map, that event is like the one before morph. 

Also, I think I found a bug. You can't transform spawned event using "this._eventId" (Ritter.transformEvent(this._eventId, 1, 38)) - it just dissappear after that. It works for morphing "this event" which is already on the map. 

it should update the saved event data for all saved events automatically before a map change, I'll verify that these problems aren't occurring in the update that I'm releasing soon. Thanks for reporting these, if I'm able to replicate the problem I'll fix it in the update. I'm currently working in Saved Events code now so I'll just add it to the list of things I'm working on.

Thank you so much! Can't wait for the update.

This update took a bit longer than I expected but I kept finding more things to do, and admittedly still have other ideas but Version 1.5 of the Ultimate Event Spawner is now released. I've done a ton of testing and am hoping everything is working as intended and I didn't miss anything! Dev Log and maybe a tutorial video or two for the Spawner and Boundary System could be in the near future as well.

I hope this update helps you out!


Again, thank you for your hard work! Will test it out.