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(1 edit) (+1)

Your raw score in time is 5, if you have a 3.2 in time it's because your score is lowered if you have an amount of ratings smaller than the median. Here the median of ratings was 7 which means that if you have under 7 ratings on your game your score will be reduced. Your game had 3 votes so even if the three persons that rated your game rated 5 stars in time you will have less than 5 stars cause of this system. This system was put in place to prevent a game with only one rating for exemple to win the jam. 

Hope this information help you. 

Personally I know my game had a lot of ratings but I've made some promo about it outside of the jam. Like talking about it to people with who I've done my first jam, friends etc... So yes if you share your game and make some sort of marketing you have an higher chance to get ratings, and marketing is often something that people forget when making a game. (it's not the part that I like the most too to best honest) 

Oh that makes sense, thanks for explaining that! I guess it's just the curse of UE4 not being great for web builds.