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Cool game! Can't figure out what to do after blowing up the blockage and going up the tunnel though. The grating at the end is closed and nothing happens when you turn back. Not sure if there's an event that should be triggered - the first pic on this page suggests maybe the monster is supposed to appear? 

yes a monster is suppose to spawn behind you in the tunnel, damn bugs :) well you reached the end of the demo atleast. I have fixed that monster several times, but for some reason it breaks it self :(

No worries, gotta expect a few bugs in a prototype. Great work anyway! Some great scares and really love the sound design. :)

thanks my friend. I will keep trying to improve my self :)

Monster should be spawning at the end of the demo now :D

Awesome, thanks for the heads up! Will give it a go (should be able to get a vid and an article up in the next few days too) :)

Thanks man, Much appreciated! Let me know if its too buggy, I will see if I can fix it.