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So it's problem with my PC, not your engine, or something? :( Argghhh... I have no luck.

Apologies for the issues! I'm not sure why there would be a difference between PCs in this scenario, especially if the sample game runs okay without making any changes. And you said that there are no errors at all in the external console window when the black screen occurs?

(1 edit)

Totally, no errors on console log. And this is not exactly black screen, there is "loading" icon on the center, but it's loading forever. Also in main menu there is only menu visible, no background render (that bench and windows). Looks can't be rendered? I dunno. Funny is that when I delete that object I placed earlier, everything works again. 

Dear Justin, I wanted to say... It works today. I tried to check it again today to see whats wrong, I did nothing, executed test play, works O_O I have no idea why id did not worked and why works now, but looks like it's my PC fault. Sorry for taking your time!

No worries at all! I'm glad to hear that it's working now. :)