The first steps can be skipped.
A player can fell out of the world.
Camera fixation at the start of the game does not stop. Probably a stop function does not get loaded. Experience this just a single time.
When previous happens pausing a game cause player to permanently lose control over the character. Going to the main menu and starting a new game does not fix, restarting the game does.
A player, visually, has the ability to Interact with the chest on the other side after it is been interacted with therefore being useless.
A tree platform that requires a bouncy mushroom to be accessed has guiding light too early before it is useful.
A player spawns too high after jumping into the cliff which can be abused to jump onto the tree platform too early before mushroom is set.
Absence of sound and visual effects when the progress is skipped.
Sound effects do not obey a game pause, noticed a shaky tree but could be more.
Visuall effects that should obey lightning do not, therefore, glow in the dark.
The last step on the main treehouse has a bit of a poor bad collision.
Many more but I do not want to spend My describing a lazy-made video game.
I would love it if items were moved with a mouse and rotated with a keyboard.
I would love an expansion that adds more in-between steps.