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Studio Name:
Bitterly Indifferent Studios

Name Of Game:
Pushing Loyal People

Quick Bio of Game:
This game asks whether you are willing to make the choices necessary to rise to upper management. Do you have what it takes to get ahead? Does "ahead" even mean anything when your fate is in the hands of the faceless Leadership Team?

How long the Game was in development and if it's still in development, early access, or complete:
This game is complete. It came together in under two months. The previous games that I worked on were more story-driven, and developing those stories took much longer. Once I had the system of rules in mind to govern this game's world, it came together rapidly. 

Why you became a game developer in the first place:
My friend from Cartridge-Based Radio, gave me the idea. We had worked together on projects in the past where we talked about the video games we loved and he introduced me to Twine. I took the leap from playing them to creating them.


A story driven indie experience? Sound like my cup of tea. Now is there some kind of demo you have made available?

Well, you can play Pushing Loyal People here:

But it's the other games I worked on that were story-driven. My next release, in July, will go back to more involved stories.