Hey hey :3 Thanks for supporting the game and sorry to hear about the screen issues you've run into >.< It could possibly be because I set the latest update to only support 16:9 resolution due to the custom UI I made not scaling correctly to different screen sizes for some reason. While I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, I've noticed in some videos I've seen of a couple of people playing it that the UI doesn't look as it should and I think it's because I allowed window resizing.
Do you know what size screen/resolution you're using?
I made it all to work on 1920x1080 16:9 because that's what I'm using and I don't have any other devices I can test on >.< I was hoping to get everything looking fine for future updates so I can properly support other resolutions, but as of right now, I still don't know why the UI won't scale.
If you're on something that isn't 1920x1080 16:9, I can go and make a different build pretty easily that allows you to change those settings, but the UI might be really messed up until I can figure out the scaling issue >.<