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I seem to be having an issue with the game not fitting on my screen? It's far larger than it should be, and it's difficult to navigate. I specifically downloaded the Windows Full Version. Have there been any issues like this, and if so, is there a way to fix it? Would love to play this for myself, especially after seeing ManlyBadassHero's play through of your game.

Hey hey :3 Thanks for supporting the game and sorry to hear about the screen issues you've run into >.< It could possibly be because I set the latest update to only support 16:9 resolution due to the custom UI I made not scaling correctly to different screen sizes for some reason. While I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, I've noticed in some videos I've seen of a couple of people playing it that the UI doesn't look as it should and I think it's because I allowed window resizing.

Do you know what size screen/resolution you're using?

I made it all to work on 1920x1080 16:9 because that's what I'm using and I don't have any other devices I can test on >.< I was hoping to get everything looking fine for future updates so I can properly support other resolutions, but as of right now, I still don't know why the UI won't scale. 

If you're on something that isn't 1920x1080 16:9, I can go and make a different build pretty easily that allows you to change those settings, but the UI might be really messed up until I can figure out the scaling issue >.<

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Thank you so much for responding! I managed to look it up, and my screen has a 1280 x 1024 resolution, with a 10:1 contrast ratio. So it is widely different than expected. ^^;

If it really isn't too much trouble, I'd greatly appreciate it! Take all the time you need. I can definitely understand why there may be issues, but as long as it's playable, then I'll be happy. ^w^

Alrighty! I looked into it and changed my settings on Unity to see how it would look and so much of the UI is buggered >.< Both the player and Castor/ia's text boxes are messed up, and so is the settings + save/load menu, and the title screen. The backgrounds seem to be scaling correctly, most of the sprites appear to be, and even some of the UI is. So I don't understand why some parts are and some parts aren't when I have all of it set to scale :(

Without knowing why it won't scale when I've asked it to, all I can do is remake the entire thing specifically to that resolution, which would probably take me a hell of a long time >.< or, put all the UI back to the default ones which should all scale correctly.

Changing the UI back to default would be much quicker because I could do that in a day, but, of course, the game wouldn't look as nice as it should. However, it should at least be playable like that.

For the most part though, selecting different types of display is a long-term problem that I'm probably gonna need to ask for help in order to fix because I'm still new to the way Unity's UI stuff works and I despise it, haha. Everything to do with UI just gives me a giant headache. My non-tech brain can't understand why it won't do the thing I'm asking it to do x3

Let me know anyhow because if you don't mind playing with boring default UI, I should be able to get a fix to you pretty sharpish :3 If so, lemme know where to send it to you. Or if you don't want to post contact details here, just drop me an email to:

Sorry again for the hassle >.<