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Hey, thank you for this, it's super helpful! I'm glad you like the new change as well.

You'll be happy to know that I already have plans to address your first 2 points.

The 3rd one is not something anyone else has mentioned... Do you think this would still be the case if you could see the enemies' HP? My feeling is that if I put in a health bar, you might not think that you just need to hit them 1 more time any more. Not sure until I try it I guess!

Thanks again for the very constructive feedback.

Yeah no problem, glad to help!
Back to the stun thing - yeah, it would probably help if the player could see the HP.  Although, what I meant was really about the specific effect and animation :) Like, if it wasn't smoke, but let's say stars circling around the poor guy's head, it would probably convey the stun state better...? Doesn't have to be stars of course, but that immediately came to mind since  it's a common way to deliver that kind of information in games/cartoons/comics. It's really more of a visual language thing, you know? 

Ohhh, gotcha! Yeah, good shout. I really just cut a corner and reused an existing effect so that serves me right for being lazy XD