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As promised I'll seriously contemplate the doability of a real device, even Kickstarter might be an option for a larger production scale, once I have the time, which should be this summer.

That would be cool. I got pretty good feedback for my game, and lots of idea to expand gameplay while keeping the format.

- For starters, I'm entertaining the idea of inviting everyone to publish your games on mobile. Personally, I'm sporting an Android dev account, which could serve as a low-level entry for publishing, there shouldn't be problems with rights which of course stay with the developer, as well as money, because as I see it the games could be some kind of open source/public domain? (Obviously games that can't be published for Android right away need much more work to make the publishing work.)

I can do this for my entry pretty quick, just need to add some touch screen support

- Another thing is a recurrent jam: what do you think about repeating this jam regularly,  say every half year, or maybe every four months? I have already some minor ideas I would like to try for it, more on this subject in the lengthy Post-Mortem I'm planning to write once the results are in.

I would be up for it. :)