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This game is a disappointment... the art looks good but when seeing it in motion it's stiff and life-less. Even the smutty interactions are uninteresting and not well made, there isn't even penetration most of the time..... Gameplay-wise it's also lacking as the only viable option is to either spam "Ultimate attack" cause it costs no mana and deals a buttload of damage or to spam "Ultimate tease" if you want to train the target for the same reason.... Menus are clunky and missing information in some places. The option to use a healing spell in combat doesn't work at all. The game has nothing of substance to it and feels like a chore to bother playing it.

I try not to leave entirely negative comments like this, but there is no option for me to leave a negative rating and review for this game.... Plus I can't think of anything that can be done to improve anything other than "fix everything" so yeah, sorry.

got the same feeling about animations. They feel like old flash anims kinda like those old Legend of Krystal games.

Except worse somehow. Legend of Krystal had a lot of variety and there was actually penetration and it was nice smut.... not the best animation but it was sexy and better than Tamer....


True on all accounts.
The ultimate skills are purely for testing purposes and will not remain, because the build is still in its alpha stages.
I am not an animator and don't pretend to be; the animations are not great at this stage. With an animator to fix what I made, hopefully it looks better, but that will be later.
Writing and story is going in now, the missing information in menus has been added in tooltips.
Healing was never really intended in combat, the buttons were placeholder, again, because alpha.
So your review is pretty much spot on for the current build and all the builds before it.
I am currently changing a lot and moving it out of alpha and into beta. While the difference to the game will be massive, it still has a long way to go.
I appreciate the feedback either way, thanks for playing!


That's a pretty warm and straight-faced response to negative criticism. I respect the hell out of that.... If this game will be changing as much as you say then I may swing by for another look in the future where feedback might be more relevant.

As for the Ultimate Attack and Tease, I figured they might've been place holders. Eliminating enemies without using it is still viable as with good gear you can really dish out damage, but building an enemies lust without using the ultimate tease can get really annoying if not completely dangerous. The normal tease moves did like nothing and chewed through mana (which much like health, there are few ways to get it back, especially if the drops after battle are unkind (which they often are)).... Hopefully that's actually useful feedback at this stage, I apologize if I seemed too harsh before.


If everyone says it's great, there is no room for improvement. Yours is still constructive criticism, and I appreciate that.
I'll send another reply when I put out a build that should have enough changes for a good comparison,  and you can decide if you want to give it another look then.