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Started off as the witch even knowing that it would probably be the hardest (due to MP and most RPG maker games). This seems to have proven true.

The house music/sound effect is really annoying when it plays for the smith and witch. It sounds like a horror monster encounter where the monster has found you and it is kind of irritating to hear, especially after a few times.

Poison and Bleed are super annoying. Even at level 6 (and levels take a long time to grind in this game), I'm still getting hit by those often from events. And that is with all three upgraded books equipped. It is to the point that if I encounter a poison/wound event, I reset.

The encounters can be a little annoying to the point that I started doing: reset, leave, encounter first event, reset. Fast AP that way.

Whether or not stats have an effect on events, a lot of the events really don't feel like stats give benefit.

For all encounters, it seems that combat is really the only useful choice. It feels like everything else just starts combat without a bonus even with stats in the 50+.

Aside from the weird balancing, I don't think I found any real bugs so far. I think I'm close to finish the first part of the storylines for two party members.

I definitely feel like this game could have done with some rebalancing so that the grind feels smoother.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing! You did pick the hardest character, but not necessarily because of MP issues -- as I mentioned below, I missed her basic attack upgrade when I was tweaking damage last minute, oops! Her regular attack will be in line with the other characters in the future. This mostly matters early game, but it does make her a bit of a grind.

In any case your feedback is helpful, other than the Witch Music - I love that track ;). I'm contemplating how to adjust randomness. It's currently pure random d100, which means if your stats are 50, still only 50/50 chance. I was playing a lot of call of cthulu while working on this, so I stuck with that -- but it probably needs to be skewed a bit in the player's favor, so that combat doesn't feel inevitable (i.e. so that you can actually feel like the abilities do something: stealing from enemies grants gold on success; negotiating can result in heal/posion and would clear, etc.). I also plan to make it more transparent.

In terms of difficulty/attrition, I'm pretty happy with the levels myself, but your feedback helps me see how others are experiencing it. So thanks again for playing and your critique.

The music/sound I am talking about is the sound that plays once and sounds like game over or bad encounter music or w/e whenever you enter the house. I think it plays whenever you enter the house regardless of what event.

So finished the game and the mirror witch seems a bit too hard with instant kills and being able to attack again before the revived character can be properly healed (or simply doing so much damage that the revived character just dies again). This was with having the ghost bear and level cap and the best gear money can buy.

One of my viewers just absolutely hates the suspense sound when you enter the blacksmith/witch rooms. I kind of have to agree that the sound would probably be better for the bloody room or for the special enemies like ann_ or the killer. Right now, it is like Link's fairy. "Hey, Listen!"

I know who the final boss is! It's that [censored] fairy!

The -25% damage seems basically mandatory for the mirror witch fight.

The witch's cleanse/buff was pretty annoying to deal with.

Do we get another ending or is it really just "world resets again"?

Sorry for the delay, I've been off the grid the past week. Thanks for playing all the way through! Did you have a full party of 3 when you fought her. 2 vs her is pretty challenging, 3 vs her, my couple playtesters usually managed after a fail or two, but there's a lot of tweaking still needed for sure on all the encounters.
Currently no other ending, but after the jam finishes, I have some more content to add, in addition to make some changes based on all the feedback so far.


I did 3 against her, but honestly, it might have been easier to just not revive the fallen characters and stuck with the tank. I don't think I failed against her though. It was just abnormally difficult.