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I know nothing about Tic-80 export options, sorry. Only Pico-8!


My question was more about how to put the PICO-8 version as a playable file without overwriting the TIC-80 version which is already playable there (since itch only lets you put one playable html per page). I made some research but couldn't find anything, so I think that I'll have to leave the original version as the only one playable on the page for now.

Oh, I don't think you can have two playables on one page.  I'd just make another page for the other one, and have a link to it in your text.


Since the game has five different versions, I will see if I can make something like hidden links only accessible from the game page, although that would be hard to mantain.

Well, hope it works out for ya!

(1 edit)

Appearently there's no way to do that on itch, so sadly I'll have to leave it like it is right now. I hope there's a way to solve this in the future!

Yeah would be nice!