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(2 edits)

Had a good time on my first run through, on Android and love it.

However on subsequent runs things went awry. I used the double right arrow button to do what i thought would be skipping things I'd seen, but it seemed to fast forward through unseen stuff too? It's very unclear. Then i tried to delete my save to verify, but on Android you can't? And there's also no way to get back to the main menu once a game is going?

I'd like to see the other end without missing stuff, but i think right now that's only possible if i also slowly tap through everything repeatedly. :(

Unfortunately, I can't recreate your issue on my end. Double right arrow only skips stuff you seen (unless you have the option that skips unseen text).  Can you check whether you have that option off?

You can't delete persistent data in Android through the app itself, but you can do so by clearing the data through your phone settings.

If you click Menu while running the game and then click Menu again, you can return to the main menu at any time, but unsaved progress will be lost.

Ah, double pebkac. Thanks for the answer and many sorries for the confusion.

My primary language is not english, and i was tired, so the simple "Unseen Text" checkbox (without warning) registered mentally as the opposite.

For the save data, when i tried doing that, i hit "stop app" before attempting to delete which caused it to cancel collecting storage usage stats and just show zeroes across the board.

As for the double menu button though, in the mobile app the menu button simply doesn't exist in the menu screen.

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Would you mind telling me the Android version of your phone, the model and the app version? When I run the game on my phone as well as my emulators, the Menu button shows up at the bottom of that screen.

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Ah, i was using the 1.0 apk, using 1.10 from google play store has the button. :)

Edit: I guess i should mention the reason i didn't earlier check for a newer android version was that i looked at the page of the game on here above, and it said version 1.0, which was the same as the file i had, so it never occurred to me to search for it on the google play store nor even think it might have a newer version there.