happy birthday! i've played your games on other platforms but just realised i hadn't rated them here so i will be doing that (:
all of your visual novels are beautiful.
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this tool is really great & easy to understand how to use!
i've also previously created a caption tool but i think the way yours uses the default audio commands makes it much easier to integrate with people's existing renpy games - would it be ok if i added a link to your tool to the page for my tool ( https://npckc.itch.io/caption-tool-for-renpy ) so that i can suggest that people take a look here for another caption tool option?
this is really useful & simple to understand! thank you for sharing.
(one thing that might come up is if you use keyboard navigation like arrow keys instead of mouse to hover, the tooltip may show in an odd place/cut off the screen since it is currently based only on mouse pos, but this can easily be edited on the user side by either making it display in a fixed position or ensuring the position is never below/above a certain amount)
edit: it was an issue of using the template with an older version of renpy than listed in the template!
hm i'm not sure why you would get the error since by default clothing_i and category_i should be integers. if you'd share your project file as-is (via uploading to google drive or some other file transfer service & sending me a link to it at https://npckc.net/#contact i could take a look.
this was my first time participating and it was really fun but hectic. four days is so little time! i usually do longer jams for visual novels and there were a lot of things i wanted to implement but cut to finish for the deadline. i didn't have time to get music done this time so i used free assets but if i join again i'd like to try to get music done as well.
playing everyone else's game also was nice to see how people work differently under the same time limitations - what people will decide to cut/keep, &c. it's made me more excited to do more tiny vn jams & trying to play with the format in other ways (:
edit: also here's a link to my postmortem! https://tnywndr.cafe/office/2024-12-20-days-of-saturn-postmortem/
i think it's because the jam rating overrules the normal rating! but you can actually rate anything by adding /rate?source=game to the link if i'm not mistaken.