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(1 edit)

I don't understand what to do at all.  I can give her food, give her a bath, have her sleep, or whip her until she cries and I feel like an absolutely terrible person.  :(

But none of this seems to make any of the two meters go up or down or give me any of these dice that people are talking about.  Is it glitched maybe?  There doesn't seem to be any feedback that anything I do is actually progressing with anything.  It seems like it says I'm getting hearts after I do the nice things, but the heart meter looks like it's maxed anyway and never changes, as far as I can tell...

Really cute art though.


Go to the store (the monster with the eye) and buy your first activity for one dice. (currency)

Thank you.  I went to the first store and saw that they were all 15, then went to the second store and didn't realize they were cheaper there.  Sorry that I'm a bit dumb, heh.  Thank you very much!


Does not matter, the main thing that I could help you :)
Not everything in the game is immediately obvious without a manual.

Have Fun!