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Did you set it to "Public"? If not, set it. And is it tagged as Windows? Touch and I need to be able to find it in the Submission list.

Let me know if either of those two things work.

I have checked everywhere and everything is in order.

I don't know if I'm under some kind of DDoS attack.

It means I'm in trouble. Do I upload the game on this page quickly?  What I can do? I was one of the first people to participate.

Check the submission page for the entry as well. Check every tag. Run through each setting again. We're looking into the back end of things.

We have time to fix this, as the judging won't start for a while longer. So don't panic.

My account was suspended without understanding why. I have not received a notification from

Maybe they reported me for this purpose, to stay out. I do not know. I just wanted to be present in the community, that's all.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with the non-English? I can't imagine, since I was replying in Spanish as well.

Are you suspended from the Game Jam? Or from

The game appears to be Jam registered. Language has nothing to do with it. Itch suspended my account, which directly impairs my participation. I'll see if I can try to get it back somehow.


Yikes. Let me know if there is anything we need to do on our end. Meanwhile, I'll let Komodo know.

Deleted 2 years ago

When browsing Jam, the game appears in the latest screenshots and is downloadable. At least the file is there!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, if nothing else, I've added the game to the jam collection I made. I wonder why you were suspended though.


Al Sin, I don't quite understand why that happened to me. The important thing is that the game is there. even if it is not visible in the Jam.. 😂

(2 edits) (+1)

On your Edit game page, what do you have set for Kind of Project, Release Status, Visibility & Access? (also what tag is on your file itself):