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I'm wondering if it has something to do with the non-English? I can't imagine, since I was replying in Spanish as well.

Are you suspended from the Game Jam? Or from

The game appears to be Jam registered. Language has nothing to do with it. Itch suspended my account, which directly impairs my participation. I'll see if I can try to get it back somehow.


Yikes. Let me know if there is anything we need to do on our end. Meanwhile, I'll let Komodo know.

Deleted 2 years ago

When browsing Jam, the game appears in the latest screenshots and is downloadable. At least the file is there!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, if nothing else, I've added the game to the jam collection I made. I wonder why you were suspended though.


Al Sin, I don't quite understand why that happened to me. The important thing is that the game is there. even if it is not visible in the Jam.. 😂

Yeah, I don't see anything on my end. It doesn't make any sense at all.


You cannot enter the page, but the file can be downloaded. It's okay? @StudioBlue , I will keep up to date, before leaving the contest. 

I'm sorry for all this, I didn't expect it, but grateful for everything. I will come back strong. 



Yeah, sorry, the most I can do is have your entry in the collections. You might be able to ask itch support about why you were suspended.