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how in the world do you raise charm? is that not implimented yet?


Public performance job and a cloth item you buy from Gorn raises it.

I've tried Public entertainer, Escort, and Market, there is no effect even at max wit

Public Entertainer should raise it, a little bit each time. The Bedlah item should also do so overnight.

If that isn't working, check the Bug Report thread and see if it's come up. But that should work (unless it's capped).

(2 edits)

Based on the rate all the others improve (1-3 points/day), if charm is raising it is at less than 0.01 points. 400 in game days without any increase, it is not listed in the bug reports. I've even used 2000 gold in temporal beauty, hoping that might help charm raise

The growth is 0-2 per day. Unless there's something else like bug prevents it, you should see it grow. 

do you accept for save files?